For as long as mankind has fixed his gazes upon the heavens, the age old question has remain: ‘Are We Alone In The Universe?’
As our tools for exploring this vast universe continue to improve, the answer to our question comes more clearly into focus. It’s now estimated that for every grain of sand on planet Earth, there is another Earth like planet capable of sustaining life.
So, Can We Truely Be Alone?
The answer has become much more evident and definite now, through the development of recent space and planetary explorations and undeniable UFO evidences!..
UFO activities and close encounters around the globe are in full swing, even though major world governments continue to cover-up the existence of UFOs publicly.
To date, thousands of witnesses have been identified throughout the world and spanning every branch of the armed services, agencies and countries.
The weight of testimony, along with supporting government documents and mass public and official sightings, establishes beyond any doubt the reality of extraterrestrial life forms, UFOs and secret advanced energy and propulsion technologies resulting from the study of their crashed vehicles.
For the first time in the history of mankind an extraordinary attraction of Museum will exhibit that not only We Are Not Alone but also that we have been also Visited, Contacted, Influenced and Guided through out History of Mankind..
What you will see and witness will completely change the way you perceive Ancient History and Mankind’s True Origin!…..
We seek to weaponize your curiosity and if you are ready to suspend your own predijuce, then welcome to ‘Out Of This World Experience!..’ which will completely change and transform your perception of reality and your current paradigm beyond Matrix!..